BeastPro UPGRADE: M4A1 GEN8 Stainless Steel Cylinder

  • Sale
  • Regular price $18.99

We have done all the hard work and spent a lot of money in research for you and these parts that I am now selling are the best and will be the right type of upgrade that will give you the best benefits.

Spring Cushion (OUT OF STOCK) will not ship with it 

This cylinder is the 1 to 1 size

We will send either RIBBED or UN-RIBBED cylinder which ever is on hand

Less friction on your o'ring means more RPS ... Less wear ... lighter and lets face it it looks shit hot!

Bonus: Comes with oversized o'ring ++ cylinder to outer high quality o'ring seal ++ 

# M4A1 Stainless Steel Cylinder and orings (will ship ribbed stainless if polished it out of stock)